omnij-consensus-tool [OMNICORE_SETTING]…​ -property id [-output filename]

omnij-consensus-tool URL_OPTION -property id [-output filename]

omnij-consensus-tool [OMNICORE_SETTING]…​ URL_OPTION -compare [-property id]


omnij-consensus-tool(1) can display or save to a file the consensus balance information for a numerically-specified OmniLayer property or it can compare consensus balance information between an Omni Core server and a second server (either Omni Core or Omniwallet) for a single property or for all properties.

If neither URL option is specified, omnij-consensus-tool will connect to an Omni Core server. By default it reads configuration from the local bitcoin.conf for host, port, username, and password information. Additional Omni Core connection settings options may be specified to override the default.

If a URL option is specified without -compare, omnij-consensus-tool will display or save consensus information for the specified property.

If a URL option is specified with -compare, omnij-consensus-tool will compare consensus information between an Omni Core server (specified by the Omni Core connection settings) and a second server (specified by URL) for a specified property or for all properties.


Omni Core Connection Settings

The Omni Core connection settings options are based on the RPC server options from the bitcoin-cli tool.


Server is in RegTest mode, connect to the RegTest port (18443).


Server is running on TestNet, connect to the TestNet port (18332).

--rpcconnect HOST

Hostname or IP of server to connect to. Defaults to localhost.

--rpcport PORT

TCP port for connection. Defaults to 8332.

--rpcuser USER

Username for connection. Defaults to "".

--rpcpassword PASSWORD

Password for connection. Defaults to "".


Use HTTPS / SSL for the connection.

SSL cert validation temporarily disabled to support self-signed certificates.

Wait for bitcoind to start up.

URL-based (Omni Core or Omniwallet) connection setting

-omnicore-url url, -core url

Specify a URL of a remote Omni Core server

-omniwallet-url url, -wallet url

Specify a URL of a remote Omniwallet server


-property id, -p id

Specify an Omni property id

*-o filename

Write consensus info to filename

-v, -verbose

Verbose (logging) outpu.

-x, -compare

Perform a consensus comparison

Program Information


Show the help message.





Failure (syntax or usage error; configuration error; unexpected error).


Here are some examples.

  • Print consensus info for property id 1 (OMNI) from localhost Omni Core. The command will use the information in bitcion.conf to find the local server.

    $ omnij-consensus-tool -property 1
  • Save consensus info for property id 1 (OMNI) from localhost Omni Core to a tab-seperate-value file named omni_balances.tsv. The command will use the information in bitcion.conf to find the local server.

    $ omnij-consensus-tool -property 1 -output omni_balances.tsv
  • Print consensus info for property id 1 (OMNI) from Omniwallet.

    $ omnij-consensus-tool --omniwallet-url -property 1
  • Compare consensus for OMNI between local Omni Core and Omniwallet

$ omnij-consensus-tool --omniwallet-url -property 1 -compare
  • Compare consensus for ALL PROPERTIES between local Omni Core and Omniwallet

$ omnij-consensus-tool --omniwallet-url -compare


Refer to the OmniJ issue tracker at


omnij-consensus-tool was written by Sean Gilligan.

OmniJ was written by Sean Gilligan and DexX7.

consensusj was written by Sean Gilligan and DexX7.

bitcoinj was written by the bitcoinj project team.


Git source repository on GitHub:


Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Sean Gilligan. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the Apache Software License v2.