All Classes and Interfaces

A sorted Map of BalanceEntry objects
Balance entry for an Address
Jackson POJO wrapper for raw Omniwallet response
Balance data for a specific Omni CurrencyID in a single Bitcoin address
WIP Class-C Encoder
Tool to fetch Omni and optionally compare consensus data from Omni Core and/or Omniwallet.
A pair of ConsensusSnapshots with comparison iterators for Spock tests
A pair of ConsensusEntries, with their Address with iteration support for Spock tests
Interface implemented by all consensus fetching tools.
Contains the indeterminate snapshot with the *after* blockHeight
Consensus service for light (ADAP) wallets, etc.
Consensus data for a specified CurrencyID at a given blockHeight.
Interface with default run method for fetching and outputting Omni Protocol consensus data
This enumeration provides general utility functions supporting conversion of number types to BigDecimal.
Omni Protocol Currency Identifier
Deserialization toCurrencyID for when it's used in as a map key
Serialize a CurrencyID to a number string (we can't use toString, because it doesn't produce a pure number)
Copied from bitcoinj because in 0.17-alpha2 the class is package private.
Trivial fee calculator that always uses the recommended minimum fee Provides backwards compatibility with previous implementations of OmniTxBuilder
Work-in-progress constants and functions for calculating Dev OMNI.
Omni Protocol Ecosystem
Encode Data into MultiSig transaction outputs e.g.
Constants for Omni Class B Transaction encoding
Interface for transaction fee calculator
Definitions for MoneyMan address functionality on TestNet and RegTest
Consensus comparison across all properties
Omni Class B Obfuscation
Omni Amount: A number of coins/tokens with a specified CurrencyID Placeholder: Do not use - not ready yet! Note: Maybe only OmniValue will stay in omnij-core and OmniAmount will live in a separate JAR.
Common interface for Omni Core JSON-RPC and Omniwallet for fetching balances for addresses
Pure Java Bitcoin and Omni Core JSON-RPC client with camelCase method names.
Register serializers and deserializers for OmniClient.
Methods needed to support OmniTestClientMethods interface.
Option definitions for Omni Consensus Tool
Subclass BitcoinCLICall to create/return/use the OmniClient subclass
Omni Core "REST" client that implements same interfaces as Omniwallet REST client
Command-line tool and class for fetching Omni Core consensus data
CurrencyCode for base and popular OMNI currencies Base is OMNI and TOMNI Others are currencies with market cap over 1M and listed on exchanges
First cut at Omni Currency Provider TODO: Either disallow building BTC currency here or detect presence of BitcoinProvider and use it to build BTC when present.
Numeric Value of Divisible Omni Token An Omni Divisible token is typically represented to the user as a decimal amount and hence you can have a fractional number of tokens.
Numeric Value of Indivisible Omni Token An indivisible token is an integer number of tokens that can't be subdivided to less than one token.
Balances for all currencies for a list of addresses
A service to sign and send Omni Transactions (similar to functionality in Omni Core).
A service to sign Omni transactions
Omni protocol rich list service that provides Single and Observable interfaces for getting rich list information by property.
Create, sign, and send an Omni Simple-Send transaction using a local Bitcoin node.
Omni Protocol parameters for Bitcoin MainNet
Definitions for Omni "safe" addresses.
Base class for Omni Protocol network parameters TODO: Convert from abstract class to interface -- also consider creating a data class to hold these fields so the interface will just return the data class
A record-like container for an amount and a destination address.
Deserializer for record-like OmniOutput
Serializer for record-like OmniOutput
JSON bean representing the set of information on an Omni Property as returned by the omni_getproperty RPC method.
Interface with default methods implementing omniproxy RPCs.
Omni Protocol parameters for Bitcoin MainNet
A service to sign and send Omni Transactions (similar to functionality in Omni Core).
Convert between Bitcoin and Omni Bech32 Segwit addresses Bitcoin: bc1xxxx Omni: om1xxxx
A service to gather inputs for, sign, and send a transaction.
Extend OmniClientModule with serializers needed for server functionality.
A service to sign Omni transactions
For unit tests that need to send invalid raw Omni transactions.
Interface for tests that use a BitcoinExtendedClient
OmniClient methods that create raw Omni transactions and send them using "omniSendRawTx".
Omni Protocol parameters for Bitcoin TestNet
OmniTradeInfo - response object for omni_gettrade and omni_gettradehistoryforaddress
This code is incomplete, doesn't work, and will be replaced.
(Mostly) Immutable representation of OmniTransaction info JSON
This code is incomplete, doesn't work, and will be replaced.
Builds Omni transactions in bitcoinj Transaction objects
Numeric value for a quantity of Omni tokens - base class for OmniDivisible and OmniIndivisible subclasses.
Base class for Omniwallet Client implementations TODO: We should probably use composition rather than inheritance and have a RawOmniwallet interface and inject an implementation of that into the constructor of an OmniwalletConsensusService type.
Jackson POJO wrapper for raw Omniwallet address balance Contains a list of balances for all properties owned by this address
Jackson POJO wrapper for raw Omniwallet response Note that Omniwallet currently can return a zero balance when an error occurs.
Omniwallet REST Java client implemented using OkHttpClient.
A module of Jackson converters for OmniwalletClient that provides all converters necessary for an Omniwallet Client.
Command-line tool and class for fetching OmniWallet consensus data
OmniwalletAbstractClient implementation using JDK 11+ HttpClient
Java POJO for /v1/properties/list response.
Java POJO for per-property record in /v1/properties/list response
This builder does not guarantee correctness, it is a thin wrapper around ByteBuffer to make the transaction building code easy to read and compare to the Omni Spec.
Balance entry for a property/currency
Utility to read OmniwalletPropertiesListResponse from an Input Stream (resource) or from a string.
Omni Protocol Property Type.
Convert a stream of bytes to a list of ECKeys
Build hex-encoded raw Omni transactions
Jackson POJO wrapper for raw Omniwallet response
Omni transaction sending tool that uses a local keychain and a remote, address-indexed Omni Core server (or OmniProxy)
Methods to add and remove sequence numbers from byte arrays.
Simple fee calculator that always uses a linear multiple of transaction size
Result for a single property from "omni_listproperties"
Test Server Connection Data
Omni Layer Transactions defined as Java Records.
Parameters for Send To Owners
Parameters for Simple Send
Omni Transactions that use a reference address implement this interface
All Omni Transactions implement this interface
Omni Layer Transaction Type
A Simple Send Payload plus fromAddress, inputs, and changeAddress
Represents the balances for all properties for a given Address
For mapping to/from Omniwallet backup json files
Define JSON format of Omniwallet backup file for Jackson JSON library.